it's 12:30 p.m.
i'm fading into consciousness slowly and hear something vague (and a bit graphic) from my doctor, along the lines of, "it's a good thing we got... your huge, puss-filled tonsils."
imagery, anyone?
to my left, there is a 17-year-old girl, who just got out of a tonsillectomy right before me. in her delirium, she's muttering/whining phrases, such as "how big were my tonsils?", "but i liked my tonsils!"
to my right, there's a boy, a bit younger than i (kellen, i presume), who's coming around after a sinus surgery. he's enamored with his new bandages... "mom, check out how cooool my mustache is!" he is also thoroughly contented in his own hilary. "CLEAN UP ON AISLE KELLEN!"
about this point, i've realized that a jaguar has taken its fangs to my throat, and the anesthesia is wearing off. all i can think about is how i want more ice water, my dad, and to stop being so hysterical.
the girl on the right's concern for me heightens, "dad, is she okay? what is wrong with her?!"
the boy on the right just
keeps laughing, "CLEAN UP, ON AISLE KELLEN!"

a few days later, and my throat is still a mess. but it will get better... at some point in the next two weeks. thanks so much for everyone's good thoughts, prayers, and happy little messages that have been sent my way.
thank goodness for my faj and family who has been taking care of me and feeding me looots of pudding.
maybe 2011 will bring me a year of health... and no more trips through the O.R. or recovery room!
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